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    A complete feed designed to provide the essential nutrients required to support egg production in laying hens

    NRM Peck‘n’Lay® is a balanced feed specifically formulated to support egg production in laying hens

    Peck‘n’Lay® is specifically formulated with quality ingredients, balanced amino acids, energy and calcium for good egg production and shell quality. Natural pigments from paprika and marigold are included to enhance yolk colour. Essential oils and organic acids aid in protecting against gut pathogens.

    NRM Peck'n'Lay® Mash 20kg

    • Feeding recommendation

      Introduce Peck‘n’Lay® from approximately 1 week before the onset of lay, typically around 16 weeks of age. Allow ad-lib access to NRM Peck’n’Lay®. Hens can be expected to consume around 125 – 130g (approximately one cup or a good handful) per hen per day. If birds are given access to feeds other than Peck‘n’Lay®, provide ad-lib access to oyster shell grit to ensure good shell quality.

      Always ensure birds have access to fresh, clean water.

      Ingredients selected from

      Grain and grain by-products, plant proteins, vegetable oils, animal fats, enzymes, amino acids, limestone, mono or di-calcium phosphate, salt, sodium bicarbonate, vitamins and trace minerals, organic acids and plant extracts, natural pigments.


      Please ensure product is stored in a cool, dry and vermin free environment.

      Caution: Do not feed to any animal species other than those stipulated on the label.

      Typical analysis (approximate on an as fed basis)

      Crude Protein 16.5%
      Available Lysine 6.7g/kg (min)
      Calcium 3.8%
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