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    Jumpstart™ Full Cream Colostrum is a replacement colostrum powder designed as a natural supplement for newborn animals that have received little or no colostrum at birth. It provides essential IgG’s for newborn animals.


    • Contains 9% Immunoglobulins (IgG’s) which are the initial building blocks of health and immunity in ruminants.
    • Contains vital growth performance nutrients Vitamin A, E and Niacin.


    • Made from high casein protein and high fat cream powder.
    • Formulated as a complete first feed, meaning no mixing with milk is required.


    • Feeding guidelines

      Jumpstart may be fed ad-lib for the first day.  If a controlled feeding plan is required, refer to the recommended feeding tables.

      150 grams = 1 metric cup

      10 grams = 1 metric tablespoon


      Age Feeds per day Volume per feed (mL) Jumpstart per feed (g) Anlamb per feed (g) Daily volume (mL)
      Mixing rate     130 g / L 200 g / L  
      1 day 6 150mL 20g - 900mL
      2-4 days 6 150mL 10g 10g 900mL

      For days 2-4 Jumpstart should be fed in conjunction with a good quality lamb milk replacer like Anlamb

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