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    Harvest Grains SMART-CHAFF™



    'The most versatile & nutritionally balanced fiber for your horse!'

    Pre-release field trials and recent reports showed Harvest Grains SMART-CHAFF™ may assist horses and ponies with common feed related gastro-intestinal-tract and hind-gut irritation. Hundreds of owners have confirmed their horses and ponies are happier since introducing PRE-SOAKED - SMART-CHAFF™ to the daily diet. If no water is available this product can be fed dry as per the directions. Dry feeding may reduce additional health benefits.

    NSC 7.6%, WSC 6.6%, STARCH 1%

    Harvest Grains Smart Chaff

    • Prepare SMART-CHAFF™ by adding an equal volume (or more) of clean water and allowing to soak for at least 10 minutes before feeding. This allows a unique oily SMART-CHAFF™ film of natural anti-inflammatory properties to be released. (may be soaked for several hours)
      This is when our oily SMART-CHAFF™ film of natural anti-inflammatory properties are released. The super greasy film provides a heavy barrier and multiple benefits which include sealing nutrient rich and beneficial fluids into a portion of our special fibres. Many horse owners report SMART-CHAFF™ assists the respiratory function of their horses and ponies when introduced as part of the daily diet.

      Hence the growing popularity as a wet feed / fibre option for those horses and ponies prone to suffering a dry throat, cough or common dust allergy or irritation

      SMART-CHAFF™ (when soaked as above) may be safely enjoyed by all sizes, age and breed of horses and ponies including those at risk of colic, ulcers, airway infection, laminitis, cushings,
      increased metabolic heat load and not excluding mares in foal.
      This innovative product is an alternative option to chaffs and beet, is versatile and will be safe fed dry if water is not available. Use alone or as a smart fibre source to complement hard-feed diets. 
      If feeding alone, top up the mineral/nutrient shortfalls using a supplement to ensure your horses health and metabolism are not compromised.


      Cold pressed oils (omegas 3,6,9) lucerne, legume hulls, soy hulls, cold processed sunflower, cold processed flax, salts, anti-oxidants, natural vitamin E (538iu/kg), inorganic and organic micro minerals, added macro minerals (calcium/phosphorous), additional Biotin and Vitamin K

      ACVM registered toxin binder, organic selenium yeast, manna oligosaccharides, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics. 





      Nutrient profile kg:  D Energy 10.4MJ, C Protein 144g, Lysine 6.4g, Calcium 8.1g, Phosphorus 4.2g, Copper 43.3mg, Zinc 102mg, 100% organic Selenium 0.28mg, Manganese 117.7mg, Iodine 2.09mg, Iron 268mg, Sodium 4g, Chloride 8g, Magnesium 2.4g, Potassium 11g, Vitamin A 1011iu, Vitamin D 1200iu, 100%, coated Vitamin E 538iu, Vit B1 8mg, Vitamin B2 8.9mg, Niacin B3 50.1mg, Vitamin B5 18.9mg, Vitamin B6 6.8mg, Folic acid 2.68mg, Vit B12 48μg, Biotin H2 3mg, Chromium  0.1mg, Vitamin K3 1mg, Cobalt 0.5mg, Choline 0.1mg, Fibre 85%, oil 6.8%
      NSC 7.6%, WSC 6.6%, STARCH 1%

      Suggested weight dry (before soaking)
      100kg = 100g - 500g 
      200kg = 200g - 1kg 
      300kg = 300g - 1.5kg
      400kg = 400g - 2.5kg
      500kg = 500g -  2.5kg 
      600kg = 600g -  3kg

      the above can be used as a simple guide, the rates can be varied to suit horse and owner

      NB : not a treatment for discomfort or disease - call your vet if animal is unwell
      Does not contain any prohibited or illegal substance listed under FEI rules or AU:NZ Rules of Racing.

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