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    Remedy wormer for chickens, turkeys, ducks, cage birds and pigeons.

    Ready to pour liquid concentrate makes a palatable clear solution in their drinking water.

    Recommended by vets to worm poultry at least twice a year.

    Aviverm Wormer

    • One dose of Aviverm Chook Wormer to expel mature and immature roundworms for chickens, turkeys, ducks, cage birds and pigeons.


      AVIVERM will not affect the growth rate or egg production of birds nor will it affect fertility or hatchability of fertile eggs.

      Levamisole Hydrochloride 25% w/v as an aqueous solution.

      1ml per 9kg live weight added to drinking water.

      For example: 1 x average sized Chook like a Brown shaver would weigh approx 2.5 to 3.0 kgs.
      If you have 3 x hens in your flock, only 1 mls of Aviverm is required to treat them all.

      1 mls added to 1 litre of water (Based on approx 300mls per hen per day) should see them right for about 8 hours.

      A follow up treatment 5 to 7 days later is important, as this will get any eggs that have hatched & break the worms breeding cycle.
      It is recommended to remove all drinking water from your flock a couple of hours prior to giving them the Aviverm treated water, this way your hens will all get a good even dose. Make sure there is no other drinking water present before or during treatment.

      IMPORTANT: Withholding period for eating eggs or birds produced for meat is 7 days after treatment! Read instructions on bottle thoroughly before use!

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